Sunday, May 4, 2014

iEARN Projects Inspires The Youth2

This blog is going to be about some great project done by some great groups of people from around the world. So on the web-site , we got engaged in a web circle where we discussed and submitted different topics on projects based on money and currency worldwide.

We have had some great progress so far. The ACCESS group from Ungheni submitted a project called "Money-Honey" in which other participants had to describe money and how it should be spent on, interesting facts about money. This project got a lot of great work done:
-from  ACCESS group from Chisinau:
-from ACCESS group from Balti:
-from our group:
We had to response to the project ideas of our partners so this is what we have done:
-to ACCESS group from Varnita/Bender:,_get_rich_fast.pptx
-to ACCESS group from Balti:
We were excited to work with you: to share our thoughts and opinions on different topics and project. This collaboration is very important because it creates connections among people from different countries that makes our world even better.

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