We have had some great progress so far. The ACCESS group from Ungheni submitted a project called "Money-Honey" in which other participants had to describe money and how it should be spent on, interesting facts about money. This project got a lot of great work done:
-from ACCESS group from Chisinau: http://collaborate.iearn.org/uploads/media/00/00/02/63/26391_money_honey.pptx
-from ACCESS group from Balti: http://collaborate.iearn.org/uploads/media/00/00/02/61/26164_Money-Honey.pptx
-from our group: http://collaborate.iearn.org/uploads/media/00/00/02/48/24899_Project_about_money.ppt
We had to response to the project ideas of our partners so this is what we have done:
-to ACCESS group from Varnita/Bender: http://collaborate.iearn.org/uploads/media/00/00/02/54/25443_Get_rich_quick_,_get_rich_fast.pptx
-to ACCESS group from Balti: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1I02kq5lm8qB6ZAV5PjOzb5AjStiG-WRUy0LAAwjcUgs/edit#slide=id.p
We were excited to work with you: to share our thoughts and opinions on different topics and project. This collaboration is very important because it creates connections among people from different countries that makes our world even better.